wtorek, 10 czerwca 2014

Grumman J2F Duck

This single-engine amphibious biplane was developed by Grumman factory for the U.S. Navy. J2F Duck was used for reconnaissance and rescue duties. It served since mid-1930s until the first phase of World War II. It's war-time cousin played second role in 'Murphy's war' movie.

My "ugly duckling" presents pre-war painting scheme. It is 1:50 scale Glencoe Models vintage short run kit I got from ebay in a bargain price. The build was very frustrating, so I had to give up for some time to ease my nerves. Model below is upgraded with scratch-built interior, landing gear, engine and canopy.

poniedziałek, 9 czerwca 2014

Harley WLA Lend-Lease

During World War II 38103 Harley WLA motorcycles were supplied to Allied countries by virtue of the “Lend-Lease Act”. It is estimated that 26670 of them were delivered to USSR. Although Harley WLA engine is too weak for such an effort, Soviet Army equipped most of them with M72 sidecars armed with heavy machine guns or mortars.

Source - The Liberator

Below miniature is built from scratch and depict the mortar equipped version. The model is 1:72 scale which makes the build quite challenging but also rewarding as there is no such kit available on the market. Picture below is a staged shot probably taken during some field training.